An alternative to term deposits, investments in shares and investment funds
Find out what all financing methods we can offer you.
We have the competencies of tax, regulatory, financial and consulting support.
Savings investments of citizens and entrepreneurs
An alternative to term savings, investments in shares and investment funds. According to SKDD data Fine'sa Credos joint stock company, financial company, issued 41 million euros of corporate bonds through tranches of corporate bonds in the period 2015-2023. Investors of tranches whose maturity date expired on June 19, 2021. and 2023, they renewed their registration with the maturity dates of 06/21/2024, 2025 and 2027, which confirms the trust gained by the savings-investment market, based on the reliability of the founders, management and employees of Fine'sa FINANCIAL INVESTMENT BRAND.

Commercial savings investments
Commercial savings investments represent a type of investment by registering corporate bonds in the minimum amount of €5,000. Investing in corporate bonds of Fine'sa Credos joint stock company, financial company, is moderately low-risk and tax-free, and the annual fixed interest rate is between 5.00 and 5.25% (depending on the maturity).

Investment savings options
Residential construction projects on the Adriatic coast, primarily in the area of Split, Zadar and the surrounding area with a tendency to expand and consider new potential construction zones in the Republic of Croatia.

Capital savings investments
Capital savings investment by subscribing preferred shares of the issuing companies Fine'sa Credos joint stock company, financial company and Fine`sa Conceptus Ltd, an investment company represents a long-term savings investment with a fixed dividend of 5% per year on the amount invested in preferred shares.
Commercial and investment financing of entrepreneurs
Commercial liquidity financing up to the amount of the contracted loan

Commercial financing of entrepreneurs
, commercial financing of the liquidity of term obligations: salary payments, tax payments, bank limit bridging, payment of overdue credit (leasing) installments, advance payment to suppliers (rebate, cassa sconto), all to maintain creditworthiness and payment rate the employer.
Fine'sa REVOLVING LOAN, users independently decide on the amount, time and period of using the loan with the calculation of interest on the amount used and the period of using the loan. The interest rate varies based on the specified use of the loan (within 24 hours, 3, 5 and 7 days).
commercial financing of receivables, based on the pledge of receivables in the country and abroad, based on delivered goods or services performed by the entrepreneur, as an alternative to factoring (forfeiting) financing.
Fine'sa LEASING LOAN, commercial financing of the entrepreneur's participation in leasing, with repayment by compensating VAT refunds.
Fine'sa GOODS LOAN, commercial financing of the purchase of goods and services, based on increased demand and the opportunity to make extra profit for the employer (usually the trader).
Fine'sa RE-LOAN, commercial pre-financing of the repro cycle from the procurement of raw materials to the delivery of finished products.
Commercial financing of participation, project loan from a business bank. By financing participation in project loans, we ensure the investment capacity of the project and the financial stability and creditworthiness. The loan repayment term is adjusted to the project's cash flow.
• Interest is formed by the risk assessment of placement
• Insurance with standard insurance instruments (blank promissory notes) with the delivery of additional documentation (invoices, contracts...)

Investment financing of entrepreneurs
The model is a combination of equity financing through recapitalization of the entrepreneur and investment financing with funds from Fine’sa Credos d.d., up to the amount of capital required to achieve financial stability and creditworthiness, as a prerequisite for debt financing (loans from business banks) and/or refinancing of matured loan obligations for business growth.
By financing the recapitalization of entrepreneurs, fresh capital is provided to entrepreneurs who do not have adequate creditworthiness to obtain loans from development and commercial banks, and are not acceptable to funds due to changes in ownership structure. However, they have economic and market justification for investment aimed at business growth and development (the business generates high margins and positive cash flow).

Accounting support
Our service provides comprehensive accounting and related regulatory support that is essential for a successful business. Our team of accounting professionals is dedicated to providing accurate and timely accounting information. Whether you need help with taxes, payroll, bookkeeping or financial reporting, we're here to help. Contact us and find out how our accounting services can improve your business.
In addition to classic bookkeeping services (bookkeeping, payroll, reporting), Fine'sa accounting has competencies in tax, regulatory, financial and consulting support.
About us
Financial partner for individuals and legal entities
Fine’sa Credos d.d., financijska kompanija djeluje od 2007. godine kao jedinstveni pružatelj nebankarskih financijskih usluga u Republici Hrvatskoj. Naš primarni cilj je pružiti investitorima fiksnu zaradu alternativnim štednim ulaganjima s prinosom u visini 5,00-5,25%, a malim i srednjim poduzetnicima stabilnu i pravovremenu financijsku i ulagačku podršku.
The development of Fine'sa Credos joint stock company, financial company, is based on continuous success in the development of banking entrepreneurship (ŠKZ Mipcro, ŠKZ Kovanica and Banka Kovanica d.d.).
To become the leading provider of savings investments for individuals and credit services for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the region, with a significant presence in the international market.
Contact us

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